Friday, November 1, 2013

Norway Day Four -GLS Day One

The first day of the GLS was very successful.  We ended up with 3-4 volunteers from other local churches we were able to provide coffee and refreshments and lunch for 260+ people four times throughout the day.  I think, however; there were two times that were most significant to me .  The first one was while I was hearing bits and pieces of Liz Wiseman's talk during the Summit over the intercom.  The volunteers had a bit of downtime, and I was able to spend quite a bit of time speaking with Lise (I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this). What I mostly wanted to share with Lise was how much she influenced me the night before as we were setting her resource table.  Lise is in charge of setting up, organizing, and selling all of the resources for the Oslo site.  While I was helping her organize and set up last night, there were several times that she evidenced to me that she was a "multiplier".  The way she interacted with me was so supportive and encouraging.  I didn't perceive a negative reaction in her about anything that was going on [and it was a semi-stressful night!].  

So, this morning, or some time during the day today, I knew that I wanted to reach out Lise and talk to her about how encouraging she was to me.  What I learned though, was that she had attended Willow Creek in August during the Global Leadership Summit there and was so convicted by Liz Wiseman's message that she knew she had to work on changing.  So, for me to specifically reach out to her today, during and because of that message, I knew must have been orchestrated from God.  It was such a blessing to be able to connect with her and begin to build a relationship with her. 

While we were taking apart the gymnasium this afternoon, Lise then came downstairs and told us about a former pastor who had been given tickets to come to the GLS because someone else couldn't make it.  As she was talking to him, he shared that he had left the church and didn't know what it had to offer anymore.  A little while later, he came back and shared and said that maybe there is hope after all.  Isn't God just amazing!  I am so glad that Lise was able to connect with him and then share that story with us.  Being able to meet Nick's uncle and the pastor of his church was a lot of fun also!

The second thing that really stood out to me was when Bernadikte, Sonya, and I were all upstairs listening to Cornerstone and singing together.  From the sound room upstairs, I was able to watch the Norwegian leaders worship, the worship team lead, and be able to worship for just a couple of minutes all togethers.  It doesn't fail to amaze me that we all are worshiping the same God and that we are all believers of one body.  I am so very much looking forward to seeing what God has in store for tomorrow!!

God natt!!

(Good night!!)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Days Two - Three

The last two days have been a whirlwind of activity.  I'm sure I'll miss parts, but I will try to put down most of it here. 

During Wednesday, we spent the day praying for Oslo and the Global Leadership Summit at Holmenkollen and made our way to he Royal Castle and Oslo City Hall where we prayed for the leadership of the country and city respectively.  Afterwards, when we went to the Akerhus Fortress I was struck not only withe beauty of it all, but of how God serves as a fortress for us.  Later that evening we met up with two of the managers of the Oslo Norwegian GLS who met us for dinner.  During dinner with Elin Marie and Birgitte we found out that they had no volunteers for the Friday GLS.  Walking back to the hotel after dinner, we struck by the scene of two women looking over a Bible in the middle of the streets of Oslo - a sight that is quite rare. 

Up until that point in time, part of me questioned my usefulness and what I could/would be doing here for the church.  We have so many volunteers at Eagle Brook that it was hard to understand and/or comprehend not having ANY volunteers to help with the GLS.  It's interesting, Elin Marie and Birgitte both seemed very concerned about working us too hard, or that we were there to serve them and to help them put on a successful GLS.  I think the "Tenets of Jante Law" which are similar to the cultural concept of the "American Dream" were really being challenged.  

The Tenets of Jante Law are as follows: 
- You shall not think you are special. 
- You shall not believe you are smarter than others. 
- You shall not believe you are wiser than others. 
- You shall not behave as if you are better than others. 
- You shall not believe that you know more than others. 
- You shall not believe that you can fix things better than others. 
- You shall not laugh at others. 
- You shall not believe that others care about you. 
- You shall not believe that you can teach others anything. 

There are approximately 270 people attending the GLS in Oslo (they are preparing for 300).  There are 7 of us.  Much of their limitations are based on the size of the church. 

So, this afternoon, we started setting up the church.  We set up the gymnasium for lunch with approximately 152 tables and chairs.  We set up 300 chairs in the sanctuary for the GLS attenders, we put together name tags, set up the resource table.  There were a couple of things that really struck me this evening.  The first was how well our team (from the States) worked together without ever really working together before.  The second was that everyone that was there had a job and knew what to do (well, except for us sometimes... we needed a little more direction!), but that no matter who we asked, we were pointed in the right direction without any attitude or annoyance.  A lot of time, in the United States, we give of an attitude that I can do it better than you or that you are annoying me, or that I have to be in first place in order to be the best.  There was absolutely none of that today.  While I was helping Lise set up the resource table (she has done this several years) she kept diverting to any ideas that those of us helping her might have as far as organization and appearance.  

But most of all, what struck me was when the worship team was beginning their sound check.  I immediately remembered how I felt attending the GLS, the powerful impact it had on me and in encouraging me to continue living out my faith in every aspect of my life.  I was struck by the fact that I was standing in a church in Oslo, listening to people prepare to worship the same God that I worship on a regular basis.  I was struck by how big our God is and how powerful he is.  I was overwhelmed by having been given this opportunity to serve others.  

After working at the church tonight for almost six hours, I was reminded of Galatians 6:9-10, our team verse; "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Please continue to keep the team in your prayers.  We have a couple of very long days ahead of us.  Tomorrow we will have to be at breakfast around 6:30am in order to catch the bus and be at the church by 8:00am ... not returning until after we tear down all of the tables and chairs in the gymansium at the church because of a double-booking.  [The churches often rent out their gymnasiums for additional income.] And then back at it very early on Saturday morning as well. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Arriving in Oslo

The beginning of my trip to Oslo began long before I boarded the airplane Monday night.  The beginning of my trip goes back to almost 9 months ago when I listened to that still small voice nudging me to find out more about a possible trip to Norway - not knowing any of the details, or knowing that this was an annual missions trip that Eagle Brook Church took part of.  

The song "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" describes my journey to the airplane well...
    You called me out upon the waters
    The great unknown, my feet may fail
    And there I find you in the mystery
    In oceans deep, my faith will stand

    And I will call upon your name
    And keep my eyes above the waves
    When oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace
    For I am yours, and you are mine

    You grace abounds in deepest waters
    Your sovereign hand will be my guide
    My feet may fail when fear surrounds me
    You never fail, and you won't stop now

    Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
    Let me walk upon the waters where ever you may/would call me
    Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
    And my faith could/will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior

    I will call upon your name 
    Keep my eyes above the waves
    My soul will rest in your embrace
    I am yours, and you are mine

Logically, there is no reason that I should have ever made it to this point.  Many of you have heard my fears of doubt on how this trip could actually happen.  About one month before our departure date, I had emailed my the organizer of the trip to tell her that I didn't think I was going to be able to go on the trip.  I was absolutely torn, I thought that I was listening to God by applying and making myself available to be used by Him.  I was disappointed and frustrated by the support I had not received from people that I thought would support me.  what happened there? I will never know.  Our organized encouraged me to come the Tuesday night meeting, but I didn't have child care and it was a school night.  So, I brought the kids to the meeting - I had a flood of emotions that night, but mostly I was feeling great sadness for not being able to participate in the trip.  Afterwards, however, I found out that someone had heard about my troubles and gifted me the difference that I needed to be able to be sitting on this airplane to Oslo. 

That gift, is so very undeserved.  I am so humbled and blessed by it.  No one has ever done anything so generous for me like that.  I never expected that.  Even typing about it now is overwhelming.  You see, the night before that Tuesday, I had told my small group that I didn't think I was going to be able to go either.  They had the faith that I lacked and I held onto that glimmer of hope that they provided for me.  Before I left that evening to pick up the kids after small group I posted a prayer to PrayerWorks. I didn't know what to expect after I posted the prayer, but after my 30-day prayer challenge earlier this year, I know that there is power in prayer. 

So Spirit, continue to lead me where my trust is without borders.  Let me walk upon the waters wherever you call me.  Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and that my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior.  Use me Lord to share Your love and the underserved gift of Grace to those that I encounter while I am in Norway, but also where you may see fit. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Afraid to Hope

My first email to church about going on a missions trip was in early spring of this year.  I had recently had the privilege of hearing stories from the Norwegians that were visiting Minnesota, and I just knew that if there was any place that I wanted to go it was Norway. I feel as if God has placed a desire in my heart to go there. 

But, there were some logistical things... primarily the dates of the trip.  Financing was obviously a big concern, but at the time I was assuming I would have a full-time job and have saved enough to cover the cost.  Little did I know that I would end up having to rely on the help of family to pay my bills over the summer in order to make ends meet.  

So, my first email to the Global Impact team was simply to ask about if there would be a trip. (I didn't know that EBC had been sending a team since 2006!) So, I found out that yes, in fact, there would be two trips, and the dates were 10/28-11/4 and 11/4-11/11. Well, the second week would conflict with my formal concert for the Army; so that only left the first week!  I filled out my application and waited to hear more.

Throughout this time, I was transitioning between jobs.  I left the company that I had interned for and took another position working with adults.  What sounded like a good opportunity quickly became stressful and ended up significantly impacting me financially.  I didn't have the money to put gas in my car, drive to clients' homes, pay for daycare, and then not get paid when my clients didn't show up.  I was devastated and I didn't know what to do.  This was the first time I considered not going on the missions trip to Norway.

Sometime before I left for my two weeks of active duty; I listened to how excited some of the people in my life were for me to be able to go on this trip.  I didn't have the heart to tell them that I was considering not going because I didn't know how I was going to pay for it.  I wasn't feeling the same excitement, anymore. 

This looming feeling of sadness and frustration and disappointment in having to pull out of the trip was always just underneath the surface. Finally, it became evident to me that fundraising wasn't working for me and I had no way of paying for the difference of the trip.  I sent an email to the trip coordinator and told her that didn't feel that I could go on the Norway trip because fundraising wasn't going well and I couldn't afford to pay for the difference of the trip.

Fortunately, she said that she still felt that I should come the next day to the meeting and we could talk more then.  Then I told the ladies in small group that I didn't think I was going to Norway. They overwhelmingly supported me going and reaffirmed that God would provide a way.  After small group that night, I sat in my car and prayed. I posted a note on the PrayerWorks website.

Tuesday came, and I still didn't know if I was going to go to the meeting.  I didn't have child care, so I would have to bring the kids with me to the meeting.  Later that afternoon I got an email from my prayer partner encouraging me to come to the meeting. So I went to the meeting, half distracted because of having the kids there, and trying not to cry because I was realizing that I really did want to go on the trip and I didn't have a way to make that possible. After the meeting I was approached by another EBCer that was going on the trip and asked me how things were going.  I was honest about how I was frustrated with life and fundraising and it wasn't going as I expected.  I then was informed, that regardless of how fundraising was going, that I would be going on the trip.

I was am so overwhelmed by this gift.  I don't deserve it and I did absolutely nothing to earn it.  But then, as I was driving home that night; I realized how much that paralleled what Christ did for us.

After speaking with my small group pastor at church, I was telling him how there was this excitement that seemed to be unleashed within me for going to Norway and building relationships with the people that I meet there.  He reflected back to me that maybe there were some defense mechanisms holding me back.  He was absolutely right.  I was afraid to hope that God would provide a way for me when I knew I couldn't do it myself.

Through grace, prayer, and blessing though, God has once again proved his faithfulness to me... even though he doesn't have to.  I am now looking forward to what God has in store for me once I get there! 

I still need your help, though!  I have raised about 26% of the cost of the trip.  And would love to have your support and encouragement.  To support me financially, go to  To support me with prayer or words of encouragement, feel free to post them on my FB page or via email!  I also LOVE getting real mail, as well!

P.S.  Recently published in EBC's annual publication Canvas an article entitled, "Why Norway" was written.  Read it here, on page 54!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Why the Global Leadership Summit, Why Norway, and Why Me

The mission of the Global Leadership Summit  is “Transforming local churches around the world with an annual injection of vision, skills development, and inspiration in the lives of Christian leaders.”  For three of the days that I will be in Norway, I will be helping to prepare the church in Oslo for the Summit and working with the staff of Willow Creek to present the Summit.  The rest of the time there will be filled with travel, local serving opportunities, prayer, some sight-seeing, and a lot of relationship building with the Norwegians.

From the Willow Creek Association and the Global Leadership Summit’s website, “The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day, world-class leadership event experienced by more than 170,000 leaders around the world, representing more than 14,000 churches. It's telecast LIVE from Willow's campus (near Chicago) every August. Throughout the fall, Summit events take place in an additional 300+ cities, 92 countries—and translated into 42 languages. This event is crafted to infuse vision, skill development and inspiration for the sake of local church transformation.”

A year ago, I would have answered why I want to go to Norway completely differently than I now answer it.  I probably would have said something to the effect of “it sounds cool”, “I liked Denmark, this can’t be that different, right?” or maybe even to make an impression on the people in my life. 
Now, however… I have grown and am completely different person.

    -    I’ve experienced the deep loss of close relationships
    -    Experienced first-hand the amazing power of prayer (Have you ever tried a 30-day prayer challenge?)
    -    Watched God work miracles (read my previous post of 360 on 694 for just one example)
    -    Have seen and experienced restored relationships

… and most importantly, I want other people to be able to experience the same kind of living faith that I have.  

I also feel very strongly about the verses in Matthew where Jesus is commissioning His disciples.  Maybe it’s because these verses were emphasized while I attended Northwestern. Maybe it’s because I love international travel. Maybe it’s because it’s simply because it’s the way God has wired me.

Matthew 28: 16 – 20, The Great Commission verses read:
“Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on hearth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”

Jesus is speaking to his disciples after he has resurrected.  He is telling his disciples to spread out past Jerusalem.  Many of them went to Judea, Syria, Cilicia (Paul went here to Tarsus).  They didn’t stay still.  The disciples and apostles went beyond the boundaries of comfort into nations that were new, spoke different dialects, and would have had to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, their faith, and prayer to have their most basic needs met.   God didn’t say only go to the poor nations or neighborhoods to build wells and houses; although he did say to take care of the poor.  What God did say is (1) GO TO ALL NATIONS, (2) MAKE DISCIPLES, (3) BAPTIZE, and (4) TEACH.  So, if all of us go to Africa, Haiti, the inner city, etc… who will reach the nations that have material goods, yet are spiritually bankrupt?  Me.  The underdog… except in this case, it’s the spiritual underdog – not the social underdog, not the financial underdog, and not the week underdog.  It’s spiritual.  I want the Norwegians and the leaders there to have the same kind of joy that I have. I want to share my faith story with them.  I want them to know the unbelievable and immeasurable power of prayer.  I want them to have an opportunity to have the same kind of real relationship with Jesus that I have.

Even though I know that I have God on my side, I still need your support.  Prayer support for preparing the trip, staying strong and overcoming spiritual warfare, and safe travels.  Another way to support me is through financial support.  I have about 20% raised, but still need your help. The last day to contribute to my trip is October 15th.   If you can help support me financially, you can click here. And then, finally, I will need someone to help me out with Osakis the weekend I am gone (November 1, 2, and 3rd).  I could use your help taking him outside and feeding him.  Just let me know if you can help out!

Here's some more info about what the GLS is...
Highlights from the Global Leadership Summit in August 2013

Additional Resources

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

34 Days Until Take-Off

In January, earlier this year, I knew that I was being called to go on this trip to Norway.  I didn't know when or how, I just knew, somewhere deep in my soul, that I was going.   But then my friend Bianca came and went to Haiti, and went again (! - so proud of you!); and the seeds of doubt loomed in my mind... there was no way I could go on a missions trip.  In fact, I blogged about being jealous of people who could go on missions trips.  Then the dates for Norway arrived. There were two weeks to choose from - the first week was the week preceding my formal concert with the Army Band, and the second week was the week of the formal concert.  I took the plunge, sent in my non-refundable deposit with the small amount of money I had saved, and applied.

In just 34 short days I am going to be taking off an adventure that I didn't think would be possible.  I am going to be traveling to Norway with a team from Eagle Brook Church to help put on the Global Leadership Summit in Oslo.

While this isn't my first time traveling overseas, there are still many pieces that need to fall into place in order for this trip to be successful.  The first one is prayer support.  I have long struggled with doubt and trust, and so far - even the preparation for this trip seems to be challenging me to overcome those.  So far, the emotions that I've experienced preparing for this trip run everywhere from nervous to excited, anxious to doubtful, even overwhelmed (that seems to be the most recent one!)  The second one is financial support.  Tonight we learned that our estimated cost has been reduced by almost $400!!!  I have about 20% raised, but still need your help. The last day to contribute to my trip is October 15th.

If you can help fund my trip, go to:

For those of you that have contributed, I have been overwhelmed - thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I have a poem hanging above my desk right now, given to me be a dear friend.  It reads:
    I was regretting the past and fearing the future.
    Suddenly God was speaking: My name is "I am."
    God continued:  When you live in the past, with its mistakes and regrets, it is hard.
    I am not there.  My name is not, "I was."
    When you live in the future with its problems and fears, it is hard.
    I am not there.  My name is not, "I will be."
    When you live in this moment, it is not hard.
    I am here. My name is "I am."

And with that, I hope that my story and experiences, and yes - my pictures too!!! are an encouragement to you and I hope that I can share them with you when I return!  I will be writing more as we get closer to the trip, and hopefully, while I am there as well!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In response to President Obama's Speech

In Response to President Obama’s speech – in essence, his “Call to Arms” of the American people…

In high school I remember Mr. Anderson trying to teach us world history and politics, learning about government, the Geneva Convention, and the various schools of thought on how different countries’ governments are run.  Throughout history we’ve seen the rise and fall of great nations, and yet out of tyranny and repression people rise stronger together than they had ever been before living under an iron fist.  And now, as a nation of great power, the United States is challenged by the actions of individuals in Syria; a country that was an original member of the United Nations, when it was formed in 1945. 

According to the United Nations' official webpage ( the UN has 4 main purposes:
1. To keep peace through the world
2. To develop friendly relations among nations
3. To help nations work together to improve lives of poor people to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each others' rights and freedoms
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.
 And so I ask myself, what do other UN countries think of the United States involving themselves in the politics of another country?  Countries like China, Japan, Israel, and the United Kingdom don’t seem to be jumping at the bit to keep Syria in line.

And then I get to thinking about my upcoming Norway trip and the Norwegians general opinion of Americans.  Without the experience of living there and without the cultural knowledge or of what the political climate is there, I wonder what the people of Norway think about Americans in general; the American system of government (compared to their parliament), and why we, here in the United States, don’t tend to hear about the Scandinavian countries supporting the United States’ military efforts.

And then I think about how the choices that are being suggested mirror the current political climate of a nation who continues to rescue its own people again and again. When will we, as Americans and as a country, stop rescuing our citizens from the choices that they make or stop rescuing the nations of this world from breaking?  But then there is another question that comes to mind about the separation of church and state; and countries being defined as “Christian” or “Muslim”, or in the case of Syria, the country is run by Alawites (“ethnically Arab but follow a smaller branch of Islam” – whatever that means?!).

Thankfully, Max Fisher, someone far more educated in Middle Eastern politics than I am; wrote an article entitled “9 Questions about Syria you were too embarrassed to ask” that was published August 29 in The Washington Post.

And maybe the above reasons are why you don't talk about politics or religion unless you want a fiery debate!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The 5 - Ws of Going to Norway

To help give you a better idea  of some of the details and answer questions that might come up with, I will be doing a series of blogs answering the “Who, What, When, Where, and Why” of going to Norway.

Feel free to ask additional questions (I will try to answer them along the way), challenge me, encourage me, or share your story with me as I embark on this adventure!

Some of the questions that I will be answering are:

· am I serving?
· am I going with?
·  will I be working with in Norway?

·  will I be doing in Norway?
·  am I learning about the Norwegian culture?

·  am I going?

·  am I going?
·  in Oslo, Norway will I be going?

·  am I going on a mission’s trip?
·  did I choose Norway?
·  does the church support missions to Norway?
·  work with Christian leaders in Norway? ~ work with leaders in general?
·  I want and need your support...

If you feel called or want to support me financially with a tax deductible donation, you can click here.